As a leading private and business relations firm
our team ranks among industry’s best

Media Naranja’s Real estate consultants’ team is specialized to advice and recommend the clients always based on extensive research and industry expertisation, looking forward to purchase most appropriate property or develop it.


Experienced strategic Communications
Media Naranja is already charting a fast-growing path in the development and delivery of measurable, outcome-focused communication programs for private and public sector clients. Our services are designed to enhance your brand, and maximize your ROI and targeted market engagement.

Media Naranja understands the media and utilises proven methods across traditional and digital media to successfully build , reshape and manage every client’s profile.
Issues / crisis
Our expertise in developing and delivering contingency management programs before issues arise, ensure the minimal impact from potentially negative messages for your reputation, your organization and your stakeholders. Our team is also on immediate call to implement programs for emerging situations.
Media / digital / social
media training
We are highly skilled at training your staff to communicate effectively with all audiences.

A team of experienced active, journalists, we can prepare and place news releases, feature articles and general media briefing documents. Daily involvement with media, nationwide, enables the consultancy to maximize opportunities for publicity on our clients’ behalf, effectively and cost-efficiently.
Business/ Professional

The consultancy applies its range of skills in the research, writing and production coordination of business, marketing and scientific documents, video presentation and statutory documents such as annual reports and prospectuses.


We have access to an extended network of specialist resources through external and affiliate consultancies. The consultancy’s knowledge of these complementary disciplines and our long-standing relationships with external suppliers ensures the highest results for clients.

Planning and managing special events including product launches, project announcements or other promotional opportunities. We work with clients to identify the most suitable form of event; devise and implement plans to make these events memorable and effective; and manage them to maximise the impact and outcomes.

This includes developing and undertaking research and consultation programs and implementing appropriate communication vehicles to improve relations between organisations and their communities.
All organizations depend absolutely on the motivation, skills and integrity of their workforces. The consultancy is experienced and expert in applying the rules of best practice communication to ensure that employee relations are based on planned, effective two-way information flow between management and the workforce.
PR for HR
Having the right people working for your organisation is critical to its success. But in today’s highly competitive labor market, traditional methods of attracting and retaining talent are not necessarily relevant or effective.
Digital Media
We can help you understand digital communications and social media and the far-reaching opportunities they present. Our digital and social media consultants will outline what’s already happening in your industry, how you might engage your stakeholders online, how to maximize your online audience reach through social media effectively and securely and train you and your staff to make the most of your online strategy overall.